Monday, May 3, 2010

10.04.2010 Pentland Hills from Balerno

On one of the first warm and sunny Saturdays of the year we wanted to do a bit different hike through the Pentland Hills than usual and found a nice circuit that would takes us in from the southwest side. And we were happy we did! After an initial steep climb the landscape flattens out with great views towards Fife one way and the hills impressively towering over us the other way.
Walking through the valleys towards the reservoirs we were treated to a great waterfall. The area has now been closed off because of damage to the landscape by all the visitors in the past, so we couldn't get close (without illegally hopping a fence which of course we would never do). Nevertheless, a great view.

We had to cross a little stream to get close to the waterfalls and this is Iwona's happy grin of relief when she made it over the water without falling in. It was quite entertaining watching other hikers scrambling to do the same...not always as succesful!

A little further the track leads down to the first reservoir which is popular for fishing. We had gotten here before coming from the other side, but had no idea of the stunning landscapes just behind, where we came through today.

Here we still look pretty chirpy. The whole circuit was probably another two hours as it was about eight miles long and went up in the hills! We'd been smart enough to pack some water this time but could have done better for we arrived back starving and exhausted. We really need to get back into shape after the winter!

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