Monday, May 3, 2010

24.04.2010 Melrose

We went to Melrose today upon recommendations of two Scots we met way back in the Lake District. It's a cute little village in the Scottish Borders and even though rather small it is worth visiting if only for its abbey. Although in ruins it is beautiful and part of an old monastery of which the fundaments are still visible. It's also famous for Robert the Bruce allegedly having his heart buried here, although nobody knows where exactly.

Melrose is near the river Tweed which flows all the way to England, which is straight east from here. It looks great for canooing although there are some fearsome rapids. Lots of fisherman which made us wonder if salmon ever get up here.

A footbridge connects to the other shore. We were lured across by the promise of a pub on the other side, but it was closed. This while we risked, according a sign, a two-pound fine or imprisonment if we had been caught loitering or intentionally swinging the bridge! We decided to celebrate our luck and freedom back in Melrose with a cold pint and a glass of wine.

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