Today we finally made it to
Edinburgh Castle. It's free with a membership of Historic Scotland, which we got a few months ago and had not used yet. But even if we had to pay full price (£11) it would have been worth it. The views over the city are spectecular and the buildings are very impressive. This is the entrance gate.

The castle grounds are build up at different levels. This is the view to the west. Unfortunately quite a few areas were closed off, presumably because of the snow for health and safety reasons. Obviously the authorities think we are all idiots. Well, we are of course, but idiots that know their limits :) Most of the time.

Some impressive guns in the castle too. This one is aiming straight at the Sir Walter Scott Monument in the Princes Street gardens but in the time these guns were firing that had not been build yet we think!

This is the Great Hall, which is one of a four main buildings on the square at the highest level. You could image that with a few big wooden tables and benches you could have a great dinner party in here!

The view towards New Town (north) around sunset (4 pm!). In the background the Firth of Forth and the snowy hills of Fife.
We actually ran into an old colleague from Oxford who was visiting the castle with his wife and was up for the weekend. Small world!
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