Tuesday, September 22, 2009

19.09.09 Cramond and Cramond Island

As our badminton was in Cramond we decided to have a look at the place during the day. It's a cute little village at the northwest end of Edinburgh, with a small marina and it's own island. During low tide you can walk there but as you can see on the picture we arrived when the tide was high. We need to time that better next time!

The village is popular with families and dog walkers. You can go along the water front or up the little creek called 'Almond' which has a few small waterfall and nice rock exposures a little bit upstream. There's also a nice local pub where Cees-Jan got his first pint of beer in the UK for under two quid!

A nice Chinese fellow offered to take a picture of us.

Inhabition of Cramond goes far back as the remains of a Roman fort were found near the village church.
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