Tuesday, September 22, 2009

13.09.09 North Berwick

We visited North Berwick (pronounced Berreck) later on that day. A lovely little seaside resort, recently voted Scotland's most adorable village! Very yummie fish & chips. On the picture you see Bass Rock, the white cap is one of the largest gannet (Jan van Ghent) bird colonies! The island used to serve as a jail: it is almost as impossible to get on as to get off, as recently demonstrated in the BBC program Coast.

Apart from nice villages and sandy beaches this part of Lothian is famous for its golf courses. The one in North Berwick looked particularly nice but the price tag of 90 pounds put us off!
The dinghies reminded us of our sailing days. Good memories for some... bad for others (wink)
On the island in the back you can just make out the Fidra lighthouse, immortalised in Marillion's lyrics
'she nervously undressed in the dancing beams of the Fidra lighthouse' (from Warm Wet Circles)
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