Sunday, December 20, 2009

03.11.2009 Lanzarote

We were off for a week of sun, sand and sea this week. Nothing like peddling in the water when at home the number of hours of daylight is down to six per day! Apart from the wild rocky beaches we were intrigued by the little island on the horizon that looks like Bass Rock (see North Berwick) and can be seen from anywhere along the east coast but is not to be found on any map!

A welcome surprise was the Cactus Garden, which was beautifully laid out and contains some very attractive specimens as you can see in the picture ;-)

On parts of the island they still have salt ponds for the production of sea salt. The patchwork of square ponds with different shades of pink, yellow and grey made for nice scenery, and wre in sharp contrast with the raging waves just behind the dam which were swept up by the persistent wind that seems to batter this island so often.

A popular attraction are the camel rides in Timanfaya national park, a landscape devastated (Iwona) or beautifully created (Cees-Jan) by massive volcanic eruptions some 300 years ago. We didn't actually get on the camels (CJ was feared for revenge as he ate camel in an African restaurant a couple of months before) but they were willing models.

The week went by too quick and we waved goodbye from the air where we had a great view over this volcanic island. If you like shades of dry red and brown this is a good place, if you like lush green you're better of somewhere else (like Scotland).

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